CSS3 Media Queries


What is The Viewport?

Before tablets and mobile phones, web pages were designed only for computer screens, and it was common for web pages to have a static design and a fixed size.

Setting The Viewport

HTML5 introduced a method to let web designers take control over the viewport, through the <meta> tag.

You should include the following <meta> viewport element in all your web pages:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

This gives the browser instructions on how to control the page's dimensions and scaling.

The width=device-width part sets the width of the page to follow the screen-width of the device (which will vary depending on the device).

The initial-scale=1.0 part sets the initial zoom level when the page is first loaded by the browser.

Here is an example of a web page without the viewport meta tag, and the same web page with the viewport meta tag

CSS Media Types :

  • All                                          -  @media all and (max-width:500px) {}
  • Print                                        - @media print {}
  • Screen                                     - @media screen and (max-with:500px){}
  • speech

CSS Logical Operators  :

  • And
  • Not
  • Only

Source Code,
Here in this example we applied some Media Queries to one box , it had some different view port examples , for this example i applied CSS to this HTML Element..

CSS Should have this kind of code..

  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">


                    width: 950px;
                    height: 450px;
                    background-color: gray;

                @media(min-width:500px) and (max-width: 700px){
                    width: 200px;
                    height: 450px;
                    background-color: blue;


                @media(max-width: 500px){
                    width: 300px;
                    height: 150px;
                    background-color: orange;



this is HTML Code..

        <div class="boxOne"></div>


 Media Queries  (Break Points)