Angular Intro and Installation

If you want to create a new Angular application locally you should have the following software installed on your machine.

  • Visual Studio Code Installation VSCode is a open source code editor developed by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. It includes the following features debugging, embedded Git control and GitHub, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, snippets, and code refactoring.

  • Node.js Installation Node.js is an open-source code, platform independent that run JavaScript code outside of a browser.

  • NPM Installation Angular, the Angular CLI, and Angular applications depend on npm packages for many features and functions. To download and install npm packages, you need an npm package manager. This guide uses the npm client command line interface, which is installed with Node.js by default. To check that you have the npm client installed, run npm -v in a terminal window.

So these are the prerequisites tools which you should have installed in your machine as for as you skills to start angular application you should be familiar with the following:

  • HTML

Now you have all done so the next thing is to go for creating angular application. creating angular application is very simple job you just run a command and an application will be created. to create application you will go to the directory where you want to create with cmd ( command line ) and run the command

Angular Global Installation

  npm install -g @angular/cli

Create New Angular Application   

  ng new project_name

Createing a new Module

  ng g c module_name

Angular version Checking     

  ng --version
Run Angular Application CLI   

  ng serve OR npm start

To define Custom Port No

  ng serve -p 5000 /   ng serve -o

Bootstrap for Angular