Redux-Toolkit : Documentation & Installation

What is Redux?

Redux is a state container that holds the JavaScript applications behavior consistently across client and server. In some components to pass data, we need to props drilling. But, as Redux is considered as a central store, then props drilling is not needed. Every component accesses the data from the central store easily.

Uses of Redux

  • Redux makes the state predictable
  • Redux is easily maintainable
  • Redux is easy to test and also optimizes the performance of the application

Redux Workflow

Redux workflow is made of 3 main components. They are:

1Store: Central store from where all states are saved and managed. As usual, a reasonable application has only one store.

2Actions: Actions are pure JavaScript objects that have specific properties. The property contains an action type and info that need to be updated in the state. Depending on the application a lot of actions happened.

3Reducers: Reducers are pure JavaScript functions that perform the action to update the state and return the new state. It takes the current value of a state, takes the action depending on the action type, and returns the new state.

Finally, the state is updated in the store where all of the states are managed.

What is Redux Toolkit?

In Redux Toolkit, the basic structure of the Redux and its needed packages are included, which makes our code and folder structure more understandable and organized.

Redux Toolkit Introduction

  • The Redux Toolkit package is intended to be the standard way to write Redux logic. 
  • It was originally created to help address three common concerns about Redux:
  • 1. Configuring a Redux store is too complicated.
  • 2. I have to add a lot of packages to get Redux to do anything useful.
  • 3. Redux requires too much boilerplate cod

Redux-Toolkit Installation ::